
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Number 28: "It makes me want to shovel something"

2 observations from the day:

Most days I go to lunch around 1 and stop by the mailbox to pick up my mail. Sometimes the mailman is still there, and it makes me really uncomfortable. This is why:

Right next to the mailboxes is a big trash can that everyone throws their junk mail into. Usually I throw mine in there as well, except when the mailman is present. I just feel like if I was to take the mail from my box and then turn around and put it directly into the trash it would be like an insult to his profession. I wonder if sometimes he thinks to himself, "Maybe I should cut out the middle man and put this stuff where it is going to end up anyway....I hate my job."

So today I took the junk mail with me and waited until I was home to throw it away.

Usually when I am buying things with my credit card the person behind the counter doesn't check my ID. But today the cashier did, and we had a fun conversation as a result:

Cashier: An Oklahoma license, huh?
Me: Yup. Have you ever been to Oklahoma?
Cashier: Nope. I don't really know anything about it.
Me: Yeah, there is not much of a reason to go there.
Cashier: It is fun to say, though. Oh-Kulah-Ho-Ma.
Me: Yeah...
Cashier: It makes me want to shovel something.
Me: Okay...can I have my license back?

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