
Friday, February 29, 2008

Number 22: "The whole bag"

The other day I thought I would be a good master and buy my dog a bag of those chewy bacon-flavored treats. He was ecstatic, as I assumed would be the case, as I opened the bag and handed him one of the delicious delicacies. Then, I made a mistake; I put the bag on the counter.
This is why that was a mistake:

For as perfect a dog Sam is, he has one obnoxious fault. Whenever I leave, if provided the opportunity, he will knock over the trash and tear into it, spreading waste all throughout my apartment. The first time this happened I was bewildered, considering he had never exhibited such behavior. I figured a harsh reprimanding would cease any further delinquency. Unfortunately, later that very same night, he committed the same felony. So I, being somewhat more intelligent than a canine, came up with a solution and moved the trash into the pantry closet. Problem solved.

That is, until I left the bag of treats on the counter. When I came back from whatever crazy club it is I frequent (it probably involved showering its patrons with soap suds at the midnight hour), I saw the bag torn to shreds lying in the living room.

And now, a completely unrelated video, starring Miss Tiffany Shirah, of Mount Pisgah Children's Ministry fame:

You'll be glad to know this one elicited tears from several members of the worship planning team. Tears=good video=my employment is safe for another week. Not that I work on a merit based contract.


Molly said...

Can I be in a video when I come home?

Anonymous said...

oh yes, we won. and will win.